Idli also called rice cake, is arguably one of the…
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Varsha Pramodh is a Registered Dietitian and a Metabolic Nutrition Consultant.
What makes a woman superior to a man? Or What is one thing that god has gifted to women but not men? Well, yes, they are painful but a gift by the god- “Periods”. During periods females feel discomfort, there is an ache in different body parts, especially the stomach, and you feel troubled. Therefore, what should we eat during periods to alleviate the pain and discomfort?
Periods is the stage when there is the release of blood from the vagina for a maximum of 7 days, indicating the start of menarche. This feeling is the best feeling ever because this is the moment when girls get to know that now they are all grown up, mature, and have entered the stage where they can make their own intelligent and independent decisions.
We will discuss the comforting foods and that you should include them in your menstrual diet. So, let us make our periods happy and healthy!
Periods are always challenging because they are painful, you feel lazy, and sometimes crave food and want to eat 24 hours, but sometimes you want to lie in bed doing nothing and eating less. But now, let us make the days of menstruation easy and comfortable!
We have the best foods for the period that you can include in your diet to avoid the pain, not be lazy and make your period days happy.
Water is essential, and water during periods is the most helpful thing for your body. It helps you stay hydrated, reducing the chances of dehydration headaches, a common symptom of menstruation.
The correct type will help you a lot in hydration and curb your sugar cravings without eating refined sugars. They are a good source of vitamins A, C, and E, magnesium, zinc, phosphorous, folic acid, and minerals.
Moreover, they contain a good fiber that keeps you full for extended periods and boosts gut health. However, as they are low in calories and fat, you can eat them to keep yourself full and maintain a healthy weight.
Fruits to eat during periods are:
Knowing the type of foods to induce in the period for sunny periods is essential. However, these leafy green vegetables prevent your body from fatigue, bodily pain, and dizziness which are common in periods.
One of the best foods to eat during periods is every kitchen’s ingredient ginger /adarak as it has anti-inflammatory effects, which soothe achy muscles and help improve other specific symptoms of menstruation. So, you can consume ginger in any form like tea, ginger mint water, or add it to your meal.
Chicken is another iron- and protein-rich food essential for your overall health and one of the foods for periods pain relief. However, chicken is the best food to eat during periods.
Fish is a nutritious choice during menstruation, offering protein, iodine, vitamins, and minerals. It’s rich in omega-3 fatty acids, known for reducing inflammation and alleviating period pain.
A proper diet is essential to keep your menstruation cycle pain-free and healthy. However, natural turmeric is the best as it has an anti-inflammatory spice leading to less severe symptoms. Therefore, you can add turmeric to the foods you eat during periods.
During periods, you often crave something sweet. So, dark chocolate is the best food during periods to curb our craving for it. It helps your mood become better and helps calm your mind.
Nuts mixture are also good foods for periods as they further contain omega-3 fatty acids and protein, helping in painless menstruation. It has other benefits as well.
Yogurt is rich in probiotics, which support gut health and digestion.
Quinoa is rich in nutrients, gluten-free, and suitable to include in your diet during periods. So, consuming hot quinoa porridge will surely help you get rid of discomfort and pain. However, you can try this recipe during periods as it has other benefits as well.
The days in the period are less fun than they usually are. Because you are in pain, you feel lazy and do not feel like even getting ready, especially in the 1st-two days of this stage.
But Fitelo has now made it easy for you by asking you what should we eat during periods during periods to make yourself feel better and comfortable. Moreover, there are other health benefits as well that these foods will offer you.
You can include foods for irregular periods to keep your periods on track. Also, it is essential to consult a doctor if you notice delays in your menstruation cycle. So, say Hi! To Happy Periods now.
Fun Fact
Are you fond of having rusk along with your tea in the morning or evening? The majority of us like it, but do you know it is the worst tea-time snack? You might be surprised but click here to know what we have to say on this.
Well, periods are an important and healthy part of a woman’s life. But during their cycle of menstruation, they go through a lot of pain, cramps, and discomfort. But as a fact, the most important concern is irregular periods.
However, irregular periods can be a condition of PCOD and PCOS. Moreover, during these conditions, women tend to put on weight which is not easy to lose. So, here you can depend on the dietitians of Fitelo, who will guide you with a proper diet plan to help you healthily recover PCOD/PCOS.
It is advisable to limit or moderate certain foods like red meat, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, highly processed and spicy foods. Caffeine and excessive alcohol intake might worsen menstrual symptoms and disrupt sleep patterns. For some individuals, high-fat and spicy foods can disturb digestion and cause discomfort during periods.
Foods that support regular periods are foods rich in iron (lean meats, beans), foods rich in fiber (whole grains, fruits, and vegetables), omega-3 fatty acids (fatty fish, flaxseeds), calcium-rich foods (dairy or fortified alternatives), and those high in vitamins and minerals (folate, vitamin E, magnesium).
Menstrual cycles are primarily controlled by hormones and other internal factors. Some foods have heat-generating properties that help speed up a menstruation cycle and help get early periods.
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Your search to find the right guidance to be a part of all those fat-to-fit stories ends here. So, contact us today if you are looking for a diet plan with cheat meals. Also, we will discuss how we can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
This blog post was written to help you make healthy and better food choices. So, be aware and take care. The important thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Therefore, always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian before starting if you have any concerns.
Eat Healthy, Live Healthy. Enjoy a long happy life.
Idli also called rice cake, is arguably one of the…