Everyone is aware of dry fruits’ benefits for health, however,…
Aishwarya is a seasoned Content Writer turned Assistant Content Manager at Fitelo, who has been making waves in the content creation industry for over 8 years.
Varleen Kaur is a Qualified Dietitian. In Fitelo, she is currently serving as a Subject Matter Expert, in the Department of Performance and Marketing.
The hustle of modern life pushes us towards unhealthy food choices, due to reasons of convenience and low cost. Let’s see some ultra processed foods to avoid.
These seemingly very convenient options come at a price, and that price is paid at the cost of our health and fitness.
The blog dives into the false promise that ultra-processed eatables are abundant in unhealthy ingredients and low in nutrients which portray health risks.
We can now make informed choices in the grocery store aisle and choose nutrient-dense whole foods to give our body what it needs to thrive on vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
Ever wondered why processed food just tastes so good? This is the magic of UPF that is engineered to be hyper-palatable, convenient, and budget-friendly.
You can think of this like food Frankenstein, really. The companies extract all the good stuff from natural foods, then they add tons of processed ingredients like sugar and fat chemicals to create something ‘tastier’ and more long-lasting.
Here’s your cheat sheet:
Remember, not all types of processed foods are bad. Without processing, we would not have many healthy foods, and some would have shorter shelf lives. But ultra-processing tends to be detrimental to nutritional value and possibly your health.
Wholesome foods, much like an orchestra, consist of its various ingredients all playing their special and magical role in that symphony of a beautiful melody that nourishes the body.
Their natural composition is a gift from the earth, providing an abundance of nutrients that work in synergy to support your health.
What Makes Them Special?
Examples of whole foods:
High processed foods are like a well-seasoned dish- good to look at, good to feel, and remain on the shelf for a long. Though they may lose some of the goodness of whole foods in processing, they often pick up other desirable qualities in the bargain.
What Are Some Benefits?
Examples Of Processed Food
They are the culinary Frankenstein: heavily processed and manipulated to squeeze out maximum flavor texture and shelf life–always packed with refined ingredients artificial additives and generous amounts of sugar unhealthy fats and sodium
Be Aware Of The Downsides:
Examples Of Ultra-Processed Food:
As we continue to explore what are the ultra processed foods to avoid, let’s also understand their health impacts:
Here’s a cheat sheet so you understand what to look for so that you can spot those sneaky ultra-processed foods hiding in your pantry. Remember fewer ingredients = more real food!
1. Firstly, if the ingredient list reads like a chemistry textbook, RUN! Artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives are red flags.
2. If you can’t pronounce half the ingredients and they sound like something out of a laboratory, then chances are you’re consuming heavily processed food.
3. Most ultra-processed foods have a soft, unbearably plasticky texture from added starches and thickeners. Canned soups, processed meats, and all those flaky pastries are obvious examples.
4. Products with secondary shiny, glossy coatings likely contain cascading amounts of unhealthy fats, sugars, and processed proteins. Think candy-coated snacks and processed cheeses.
5. Products that have several vitamins and minerals listed in those “fortified” labels likely rely on artificial means to get that way.
6. Smoothies and other processed foods may contain thickening agents to give them a creamy texture. Look for xanthan gum or guar gum.
7. Finally, any food containing more than five ingredients, especially processed or refined foods is a pretty sure bet to be ultra-processed.
Here’s a ghostly guide to 9 examples of ultraprocessed food you should avoid:
Now we have learned what are some of the ultra processed foods to avoid, they ain’t your body’s best mates. The good news? There’s a whole world of delicious, nutritious alternatives waiting to be discovered! Further, here are 9 healthy food swaps for your usual suspects:
1. Cereal Swap: Sugary breakfast cereals for plain bran cereal or oat groats seasoned with honey or natural sweetness.
2. Soda Swap: Toss out the fizz and enjoy the water with a splash of fruit juice or fruity sparkling water. Your gut appreciates it.
3. Lunch Meat Swap: Ditch the processed meat and go for grilled chicken breast, fish, or tofu tossed with roasted vegetables.
4. Ice Cream Swap: Cool down with frozen fruit popsicles made with natural ingredients. Way better than that sugary scoop.
5. Packaged Snack Swap: Give up chips and pretzels for roasted chickpeas or hummus with whole-wheat pita bread. Fiber and protein galore!
6. Bread Swap: Also, instead of choosing refined white bread, go for whole wheat bread. This is full of nutrients and keeps you fuller for much longer.
7. Condiment Swap: Give up sugary ketchup and mayo and make your healthy dips with avocado, hummus, or yogurt.
8. Processed Fruit Swap: Fresh fruits like mango, berries, apple, or frozen fruit are chosen instead of smoothies brought from a store along with hidden sugar and artificial stuff.
9. Frozen Food Swap: Instead of processed dinners, one can make healthy frozen dinners in the freezer by using fresh or frozen vegetables and protein.
Moreover, cooking at home lets you have full control of ingredients and portions which means you will eat fresh and healthy.
Finally, just saying no to ultra-processed foods is an empowered choice.
Though it is. However, the abundance of delicious and nutritious alternatives nowadays makes it all the easier to bounce to a diet full of real, whole, solid foods.
Remember, small changes amount to big results. By making conscious choices about food, we nourish our bodies, gain better health, and take charge of our well-being.
In India, these include foods like instant noodles, sugary beverages, and packaged snacks that contain artificial ingredients and additives.
The 4 ingredients to avoid are high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors, and also flavor enhancers like monosodium glutamate (MSG).
You can identify these foods by carefully reading the food labels for ingredients you don’t recognize or you can easily pronounce such as preservatives, emulsifiers, and also artificial sweeteners.
The better healthy snacks can include fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, homemade yogurt, vegetable sticks, and hummus.
Contact Us Today
Your search to find the right guidance to be a part of all those fat-to-fit stories ends here. So, contact us today if you are looking for a diet plan with cheat meals. Also, we will discuss how we can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
This blog post was written to help you make healthy and better food choices. So, be aware and take care. The most important thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Always seek advice from a doctor or dietitian before starting, if you have any concerns.
Eat healthy and live healthy. Enjoy a long, happy life.
Everyone is aware of dry fruits’ benefits for health, however,…