Kulcha, a mildly leavened flatbread variety, is an invention of…
Snehil Sharma is a skilled content composer who uses words to create captivating and informational narratives.
Anjali Malik is a qualified dietitian and a certified child expert dietitian at Fitelo.
Several reasons and factors play a great role in gaining and retaining excess weight. These factors include diet, lack of exercise, environmental factors, and genetics. The overweight problems are not issues of looking handsome or beautiful. It is a medical condition in which an individual has an unhealthy distribution of body fat.
Excess body fat in the human body increases strain on the bones and organs, which causes changes in hormones and metabolism. On the other hand, people with a body mass index greater than 30 are considered obese. But what is the difference between “overweight” and “obese?”
It is defined as excessive fat accumulation that may undermine the overall health of an individual. Being overweight is basically what its name suggests. It is a condition in which a person exceeds the normal body weight of someone of his age, height, and build. But being obese is a condition in which an individual has an excess of fat stored in the body.
It can be measured with the help of the “Body Mass Index (BMI)”. It is a simple index of weight for height that is commonly used to classify adults as overweight or obese. The standard definition of BMI according to WHO is “it is defined as a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of his height in meters (kg/m2).”
For adults, overweight and obesity as follows:
Children Under 5 Years Of Age
For children under 5 years of age:
Children Between The Ages Of 5 and 18
Overweight and obesity for children aged between 5 and 19 years are as followed:
There are many reasons that can play a significant role in gaining and retaining excess weight. These include diet, lack of exercise, environmental factors, and genetics. So, let’s take a quick look at some of these factors:
Individuals can gain excess weight when they eat more calories than they burn through any physical activity. Such an imbalance in the daily routine is the greatest contributor to weight gain. To balance your diet, you can even follow a 7day diet plan with Fitelo.
The surroundings around us can influence our ability to maintain a healthy weight. For example:
Many studies show that genetics plays a great role in obesity. Genes also contribute to an individual’s liability for weight gain. It is thought that genes may increase a person’s risk of obesity, but environmental factors such as an abundant food supply also play a role.
There are some hormonal problems that may cause overweight problems and obesity, for example, an underactive thyroid, cushing syndrome, and polycystic ovary syndrome.
Many individuals start eating more than usually when they are bored, angry, upset, or stressed. However, many studies have also found that the fewer people sleep, the more likely they are to be overweight or obese. This happens due to hormones that are released during sleep and that help control appetite and the body’s use of energy. Also, stop doing stress eating.
Overweight problems and obese impacts the quality of our lives. It has an impact on both our mind and body, increasing our risk of many health conditions and serious diseases.
Being overweight causes wear and tear in the joints and can lead to arthritis. Arthritis is a medical condition common among obese people.
Blount disease is a condition in which your bones get deformed on the lower legs. This inward turning of the bones worsens over time. This medical condition is very common among kids and teens.
This is a major concern among children and adults. This is a condition in which people stop breathing temporarily while sleeping, which leads to heart problems. It makes patients feel tired and reduces their ability to concentrate and learn.
Obesity and being overweight invite high blood pressure, which is a strain on the heart. Due to this, your arteries and heart undergo more stress which leads to heart attacks and related problems. Also, you can follow high blood pressure foods to avoid.
High cholesterol, low HDL, and high triglyceride levels in the blood are signs of abnormal blood lipid levels. This will increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Individuals are more likely to be at risk as they age. Also, you can work on how to increase HDL to improve your heart health.
Obesity affects the overall quality of our life. People start losing confidence which increases the chances of discrimination. There are other which can affect the quality of life due to overweight are:
Did you know the overweight problem or obesity can be controlled? Yes, you can easily control these two medical conditions by focusing on various weight loss diet plans like the Indian weight loss diet plan and different physical action plans.
So, here are a few pointers to help you maintain your weight and find solutions to your overweight issues:
In a weight-management program, individuals can follow a proper weight-loss diet plan. These plans can include low-calorie diets, methods to change your lifestyle and habits, and increased physical activities. Also, you can contact specialized trainers who can work with you in sessions to ensure weight loss healthily.
Always keep your diet healthy because it is one of the biggest factors that contribute to weight gain. To achieve desirable results, one should follow a disciplined diet to control weight. Start including fruits, seasonal vegetables, whole grains, etc. in your balanced diet. And avoid foods that have saturated fats and excessive added sugar.
Start following dietitians who can recommend a special diet that includes monitored calorie intake or a structured meal plan. You can contact Fitelo regarding the same, as we provide customized diet plans by understanding your daily needs and body requirements.
Here, sharing a few home remedies to get rid of overweight problems and obese
Around 1–1.5 hours of moderate-to high-intensity physical activity are needed in a day to affect your weight. Performing physical activities will help you achieve your desired results from speed walking, swimming, or cycling. Also, you can follow an obesity diet plan simultaneously with exercises.
This practice will assist you in keeping track of your regular weight. This is necessary because it will assist you in staying on track with your weight loss efforts. People who watchdog their weight every week have a better idea of their progress and can take remedial steps immediately.
Ensuring a balanced diet and cutting down on fast-food items. This can help significantly with preventing weight gain. You can consume homemade, balanced food that is rich in nutrients.
Being overweight and obese is a serious health issue that affects physical and mental health but often goes unnoticed. While body weight can be controlled through regular exercise, but it is difficult to handle obesity as it is a genetic condition. Maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are the only two options or ways to reduce body weight and the health risks of being overweight.
Marium was overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy. But Marium was ready to make a change and get her life back on track. Marium, a working professional from Ontario, Canada reached out to Fitelo after getting to know about the Fitelo obesity diet plan and how it tackles stuck weight issues. She started slow but steadily worked her way up, and now we are proud to say that Marium has lost a total of 22 kgs in 180 days!
Ans: Symptoms of obesity or being overweight include excess body fat accumulation or belly fat, shortness of breath, sweating more than usual, snoring, trouble sleeping, skin problems, inability to perform simple physical tasks, fatigue, psychological impact (negative self-esteem, depression, shame, social isolation)
Ans: Being overweight or obese can put you at risk of acquiring some of the following health issues: Type-2 diabetes, Hypertension, Heart diseases, High blood pressure, Stroke, Gallbladder disease, and PCOS.
Ans: It raises the risk of several serious health complications. Excess body fat puts strain on the bones and organs. It also causes complex changes in hormones and metabolism and increases inflammation in the body.
Ans: No. Weight, in itself, does not change your height. It only gives you the illusion of being shorter or taller by affecting your abdominal or limb length. Also, you can lose weight and still grow taller as long as you’re gaining muscle and not fat.
Ans: Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) causes poor breathing in some people with obesity. It leads to lower oxygen and higher carbon dioxide levels in the blood.
Ans: Yes, being overweight causes many problems. In several studies, it is explained that those with BMIs between 25 and 29 — had about 20% more pain. However, people with BMIs between 30 and 34 had about 68% more pain.
Fun Fact
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Your search to find the right guidance to be a part of all those fat-to-fit stories ends here, accordingly. So, contact us today if you are looking for a diet plan with cheat meals. Also, we will discuss how we can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
This blog post was written to help you to make healthy and better food choices altogether. So, be aware and take care. The important thing to consider is your health before starting a restrictive diet. Always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian before starting if you have any concerns.
Kulcha, a mildly leavened flatbread variety, is an invention of…
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