Idli also called rice cake, is arguably one of the…
Varleen Kaur is a Qualified Dietitian. In Fitelo, she is currently serving as a Subject Matter Expert, in the Department of Performance and Marketing.
Small in size, but a very important internal human organ is the thyroid gland which plays a major role in human development and improves metabolic rate. It releases thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) which are responsible for most of our body functions. However, uncontrolled production of these two hormones can lead to hyperthyroidism. Weight loss, increased heart rate, anxiety, irritability – these, as well as many other manifestations, are some of the most common indications of hyperthyroidism. That can be controlled with the right diet and some foods to avoid hyperthyroidism.
The foods we eat play a big role when it comes to keeping the thyroid gland in good shape. In this article, we provided you with a brief about hyperthyroidism and listed hyperthyroid foods to avoid to cure this health condition naturally. So, let’s get started!
Hyperthyroidism is a common disease in the thyroid gland that can occur due to excessive production of thyroid hormone. A common cause of hyperthyroidism is caused by increased iodine levels in the body, a substance that the thyroid uses to produce hormones. This causes the body’s cells and organs to work harder, which can cause fatigue, palpitations, and weight loss. Some diseases need medical treatment, while some go away on their own.
Many people think that it is incurable but it’s wrong, hyperthyroidism is a curable disease if we exclude or control the intake of iodine from our diet and take only healthy food. However, during pregnancy there are a lot of hormonal imbalance occurs in the body and it can also be responsible for hyperthyroidism in women.
Eating healthy and avoiding iodine from your diet is one of the best ways to keep the thyroid gland in a good condition. Nutrients such as protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin C, omega-3, selenium, zinc, and iron are must-haves in your diet to control hyperthyroidism. The last three are crucial for the function of the thyroid gland and help the body to convert active thyroxine (T4) into inactive triiodothyronine (T3). However, those who for some reason suffer from a lack of vitamins or minerals may need to supplement their diet.
Many endocrine diseases lead to thyroid dysfunction, such as:
The disease is most susceptible to people with a hereditary predisposition to endocrine pathologies. Hyperthyroidism is more common in women than in men. The development of the disease is also affected by the environmental situation, excess iodine, and stress which can be recovered with the right food and developing a healthy lifestyle. So, let’s know what to eat and what foods not to eat with hyperthyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism can lead to other critical health conditions such as disturbed menstrual cycles, weight loss, constipation, goiter, depression, dry skin, hair loss, muscle fatigue, slow heart rate, high blood cholesterol, and swollen face. Apart from medicines, you can make a list of thyroid foods to avoid to control function.
Nuts and dry fruits are a great source of the mineral selenium which helps catalyze the conversion of the inactive thyroid hormone into the active form. Researchers have found that nuts and dry fruits improve thyroid hormone levels. Selenium also reduces inflammation and inhibits cancer cell growth. You can consume a hand full of nuts and dry fruits per day. Do not eat too many as this can lead to nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. Omega-3 fatty acids help lower LDL cholesterol, and selenium keeps thyroid hormone maintained. Consume salmon, sardines, and tuna to counteract hyperthyroidism.
Green leafy vegetables, colorful vegetables, and fruits are good sources of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. However, you should be careful if you suffer from hyperthyroidism, as some vegetables and fruits can inhibit the production of thyroid hormones and are called goitrogens. Plants such as cauliflower, spinach, kale, broccoli, soybeans, cabbage, radish, sweet potato, peach, avocado, and mustard greens are goitrogens. However, cook these vegetables and fruits properly to render the goitrogens inactive.
Your thyroid function can also be controlled by providing your body with the necessary amounts of zinc. It is mainly found in beef and chicken and can help convert triiodothyronine (T3) to thyroxine (T4). This conversion is of great importance because T3 is the active form while T4 is the inactive form of thyroid hormone. Consumption of chicken breast and lean beef help increase thyroxine production in the body
Eggs are a great source of protein that helps increase muscle mass and gain weight, lost by hyperthyroidism. You can safely have two whole eggs per day. Do not consume the egg yolk if you already have elevated cholesterol levels. Otherwise, you can consume whole eggs that are rich in fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients that are good for your body.
Start cooking with olive oil if you are not already using it. Olive oil is rich in healthy fats and nutrients that help maintain thyroid hormone levels. Olive oil also helps lower LDL cholesterol, which helps you lose weight and keep your heart healthy. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the risk of having hyperthyroidism and its symptoms.
Flaxseeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and selenium. It helps you maintain the iodine levels in the body and reduce the risk of hyperthyroidism. You can consume ground flaxseeds with a smoothie or breakfast cereal, or you can use flaxseed oil for cooking. You can safely have 2 – 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed powder and 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil per day to cure hyperthyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism can also affect our digestive functions and can cause digestive issues such as indigestion and constipation. So, it is recommended to add fiber rich foods to your diet to improve digestion. Include foods such as papaya, cooked green leafy vegetables, and gluten-free whole grains for better digestion and metabolism.
There are people who really achieved outstanding results by just following the right eating habits and a healthy lifestyle. Here, we have the live transformation story of Anu who was overweight and suffering from thyroid problems also struggling to lose weight due to hypothyroidism. Understanding her health condition our dietitians and health experts provided her with a diet chart for hypothyroidism that really works like magic. Follow the below link to know how she achieved it!
Anu Weight Loss Motivation Story | Hypothyroidism Fat Loss Diet Plan
Hyperthyroidism leads to sudden weight loss, increased heart rate, irritability, irregular periods, anxiety, increased hunger, insomnia, etc. due to increased thyroid gland. So, it is very crucial to pay attention to your diet and eating habits to accelerate your treatment process. Aside from your doctor’s prescribed medication, here is the list of foods to avoid during hyperthyroidism.
Wheat is a rich source of gluten that boosts the production of thyroid hormones which can make the situation even worst. So, it is recommended to follow a gluten free diet plan and avoid foods containing gluten. Maida, oats, wheat, and barley also contain rich amounts of gluten so try to exclude them immediately.
Iodine is good for health but excess intake of iodine is not good for people suffering from hyperthyroidism. Consuming sea foods may result in increased iodine in the body which can lead to the overproduction of thyroid hormone. It may affect people suffering from hyperthyroidism.
Eating raw fruits and cruciferous vegetables are goitrogens in nature that may prevent the absorption of iodine in the thyroid glands. It can also disturb the thyroid hormonal levels in the body and can affect the function of other body parts. Try to avoid vegetables including broccoli, spinach, cabbage, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, radish, tomato, apple, berry, kiwi, orange, lemon, grapefruit, etc.
Full-fat milk and dairy products are not good for people suffering from hyperthyroidism because they can slow down our digestive systems and get stored as fat in the body. However, people with hyperthyroidism are recommended to include skim milk and low-fat dairy products in their diet.
People who consume alcohol are at a higher risk of having hyperthyroidism because alcohol suppresses the production of thyroid hormones which can disturb the thyroid hormonal balance. Alcohol has other toxic effects on the body that can make the situation even more critical.
Green tea is good for losing weight and improving metabolic rate. Also, many studies have confirmed that green tea has anti-thyroid properties but consuming too much green tea can cause hyperthyroidism.
Junk foods and processed foods such as fried, potato chips, french fries, burgers, etc. These foods are loaded with sodium but have no iodine or nutritional value. They can also increase the cholesterols levels in the body and can take a toll on your health towards hyperthyroidism.
Looking for some healthy drinks to cure hyperthyroidism? Then, must try this super healthy, yummy tea recipe that is super beneficial in treating your hyperthyroidism condition.
Food can help you a lot, but some nutrients in food can interfere with hyperthyroidism treatment drugs. So you should talk to your doctor before taking any of the foods mentioned here. You should also make sure not to consume foods that you are allergic to. Hyperthyroidism is a serious health problem that needs your special attention. Start consuming the recommended foods for the most cost-effective treatment for an abnormal thyroid condition.
Ans: Foods rich in iodine, gluten, and fat-rich foods are the worst for people suffering from hyperthyroidism. It can increase the risk of other diseases caused by hormonal imbalances.
Ans: Avoid fat-rich dairy products, foods containing iodine, raw vegetables, and gluten-rich foods from your diet for hyperthyroidism.
Ans: Foods low in iodine and rich in vitamins are good, whereas foods rich in gluten and iodine are bad for hyperthyroidism.
Ans: Foods to avoid for hyperthyroidism are:
Ans: It is very crucial for patients suffering from hyperthyroidism to follow a nutrient-rich diet, follow a healthy lifestyle, control weight, and keep diabetes and blood sugar levels under control.
Ans: Because gluten-rich foods such as wheat, barley, and oats, boost the production of thyroid hormones that can make the situation uncontrollable.
Ans: Raw fruits and vegetable goitrogens in nature may prevent the absorption of iodine in the thyroid glands which can disturb the balance and leads to the develop hyperthyroidism.
Ans: Fat-rich dairy products, iodized salt, egg yolks, cabbage, etc. are not good for people suffering from hyperthyroidism. So, it is recommended to avoid them from your diet.
Ans: To cure hyperthyroidism it is recommended to control the iodine levels in the body which is only possible by eliminating iodine-rich foods from your diet and taking less salty foods.
Ans: Dietitians recommend avoiding foods rich in salt, fat, and gluten for people suffering from hyperthyroidism because it can increase the level of iodine in the body which can lead to slow recovery.
Fun Fact
Do you know that flax seeds are a well-known superfood? Yes, flax seeds have the perfect amount of protein and fiber required for healthy weight loss and can easily substitute eggs due to their high nutritional values.
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Your search to find the right guidance to be a part of all those fat-to-fit stories ends here. So, contact us today if you are looking for a diet plan with cheat meals. Also, we will discuss how we can help you achieve your weight loss goals.
This blog post was written to help you to make healthy and better food choices altogether. So, be aware and take care. The important thing to consider is your own health before starting a diet that is restrictive. Always seek advice from a doctor/dietitian before starting if you have any concerns.
Eat Healthy, Live Healthy. Enjoy a long happy life.
Idli also called rice cake, is arguably one of the…
This article has helped me . Will be using it to control my diet.