Every time you eat is an opportunity to nourish the body. So, give soothing nourishment with this delicious Aliv kheer recipe. It is also known as Halim seeds kheer, and is a smart and tasty way to say your health issues goodbye 😉
Firstly, In a small bowl add aliv/Halim seeds and little water.
Soak for 15 to 30 minutes, or until the seeds swell.
In the meantime, preheat a heavy-bottomed pan over a low heat.
Add one tablespoon of ghee and let it melt it in.
Then toss in the almonds and raisins.
After a minute of stirring, remove them to a platter.
Reduce the heat to low and add a cup of milk. [ For lactose intolerants, Almond milk can be used as well]
Now, wait for two minutes for it to come to a boil.
Then, add the soaked aliv seeds and stir well.
Boil it for another two minutes.
Toss in the dates paste and stir thoroughly.
Then, bring to a boil once more.
Cardamom powder, roasted almonds, and raisins are added at the end.
And now give it a good mix and turn off the heat.
Your Aliv Kheer is ready to attack!!
A tiny treasure of nutrients, these Halim seeds offer immense health benefits.
Aliv has a remarkable 12 mg of Iron per tbsp. As a result, it raises hemoglobin levels and thus cures anemia.
The consumption of Halim seeds on a regular basis stimulates the production of breast milk. As a result, these are beneficial for lactating mothers.
Halim seeds are also a rich source of Vitamin C.
Not only this, Seeds contain phytoestrogen which acts like the estrogen hormone. That’s why it has the ability to regulate the menstrual cycle.
Apart from this, Aliv seeds also increase blood flow in the pelvic region and surrounding the uterus. So, these are beneficial to women who have irregular periods.
Antimicrobial properties of seeds help to prevent various infections like fever, cold, and sore throat.
Due to its high protein, fiber and antioxidant content, Aliv seeds are great for weight loss.
Also, Loaded with fibers, Aliv seeds can treat stomach related issues like constipation, bloating, and indigestion.
Late-night cravings are frequently caused by unbalanced hormones and unstable blood sugar. Have you been struggling to find a solution for it? Why worry when we have come up with a fix for the same ;)? So, watch this reel till the end
For any query or in case you are looking for online nutrition consultation, reach out to us at +919402850007
All recipes from FITELO’S kitchen are devised to suit specific needs. And what may suit one condition may not be applicable to the other. Hence always consult your nutritionist or dietitian before adding these recipes to your diet.