Prepared with all the simple, ingredients this mustard sauce is like a miracle out of your kitchen once you try this Home Mustard Sauce Recipe for weight loss plans, you may never go back to store-bought!
Place the Yellow and Black mustard seeds in a bowl.
Then, add the Apple cider vinegar and make sure it comes up to 1/2″ above the mixture.
Cover it well and then set it aside for 48 hrs.
After 48hrs, grind the above to a fine paste.
Add in the cinnamon powder, turmeric powder, and honey.
Mix and stir it well.
Then, add water as per needs to get the consistency required.
Cover and store at room temperature for 2- days before using.
This time is important not just because it allows time for, the mustard to thicken up but to mellow down the bitterness as the mustard ages.
Pour this into an airtight jar and store it in the refrigerator.
It stays fresh for 1 to 2 months.
Health Benefits of Mustard Sauce
Black mustard is good for its strong aroma and flavor.
The mustard seeds might be effective against psoriasis.
Mustard seeds also are a rich source of antioxidants that may help the body against diseases.
Turmeric powder is highly effective in reducing inflammation.
Turmeric also boosts immunity levels. Its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties protect us from a variety of infections. Also, you can add this sauce to your diet plan for weight loss.
The antioxidant properties in turmeric prevent damage to the cells and thus slow down aging.
Being anti-inflammatory in nature curcumin suppresses various inflammatory molecules which are responsible for the cause of damage by the virus. But, have you ever heard of a natural magical immunity booster available in your kitchen? Thus, read this post to know more about it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Is Mustard Sauce Healthy?
Ans. Yes. It is made with homemade and healthy ingredients like whole, ground, cracked, or bruised mustard seeds mixed with water, vinegar, lemon juice, wine, other liquids, salt, and often other flavorings and spices.
Q. Can We Have Mustard Sauce With Every Snack?
Ans. Yes. You can have it with momos, homemade fried chicken, and chips.